Thursday, February 3, 2011

Newly Revised Version of Professional Development Definitions

Hi everyone!

This new space is here for you to post the CORRECT FINAL VERSION of your definitions for  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Only include the academic definitions; not your team definitions, this time.

Please remember that this contribution has to be mistake-free in order to get 100%  of your grade. A faulty contribution will give you a ZERO in your first partial grade for this semester, as it was agreed upon in class this week.

I shall include here the website where you can find the APA Style handbook

All the best and see you next week!  Lupita


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  4. Díaz’s (2004) vision of the concept says that:
    Effective professional development should be understood as a job-embedded commitment that teachers make in order to further the purpose of the profession while addressing their own particular needs. It should follow the principles that guide the learning practices of experienced adults, in teaching communities that foster cooperation and shared expertise. (p. 5)

    Jasper (2006) citing Benner says the following:
    Professional development means to advance ourselves as professional practitioners. It assumes that all professionals will continue to develop throughout their working lives- from becoming a student practitioner, to specialized and advanced practice. It assumes that they will progress beyond the levels of competence assumed at registration and qualification and become proficient or even expert practitioners. (p. 2)

    Megginson’s (2003) view states that:
    Continuing Professional Development is a process by which individuals take control of their own learning and development, by engaging in an on-going action process of reflection and action. This process is empowering and exciting and can stimulate people to achieve their aspirations and move toward their dreams. (p. 5)

    Reference list

    Díaz, G. (2004). Teacher-centered professional
    development. Alexandria, USA: Association
    for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

    Jasper, M. (2006). Reflection, decision-making
    and professional development. Oxford, UK:
    Blackwell Publishing Inc.

    Megginson, D., & Whitaker, V. (2003). Continuing
    professional development. Camp Road,
    London: Chartered Institute of
    Personnel and Development CIPD House.

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  6. Here is my newest post although I've got some issues with the long quotations, so I'll bring my quotations printed, see ya tomorrow!! =) GBY!

    1. "Development generally refers to general growth not focused on a specific job. It serves a long-term goal and seeks to facilitate growth of teachers understanding of teaching and themselves as teachers" (Richards & Farrell, 2005, p. 4).

    2. "La profesionalización de los docentes se ha 'indicado ' ... ,básicamente, a través de tres actividades profesionales: el perfeccionamiento permanente de los profesores, el análisis de su práctica y la investigación en el aula" (Fernández, 2000, p. 188).

    For continuing career growth and individualized development, Richards and Nunan (1990) found that primary goals are:

    -a knowledge of the theoretical base of the
    field in language learning and classroom
    -informed knowledge of self and students;
    -attitudes of flexibility and openness to
    -decision-making and communication skills;
    -the analytical skills necessary for
    assessing different teaching situations and
    the changing conditions in a classroom;
    -awareness of alternative teaching
    approaches and the ability to put these
    into practice;
    -the confidence and the skills to alter
    one's teaching approach as needed;
    -practical experience with different
    teaching approaches. (p. 150)


    Fernández, M. (2000). La profesionalización del docente: Perfeccionamiento, investigación en el aula, análisis de la práctica (4ta ed.). México: Siglo Veintiuno.

    Richards, J., & Farrell, T. (2005). Professional development for language teachers: Strategies for teacher learning. USA: Cambridge University Press.

    Richards, J., & Nunan, D. (1990). Second language teacher education. USA: Cambridge University Press.

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  8. Hello...after this long long free days, here are the definitions I found:

    "Professional development is defined as those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes of educators so that they might, in turn, improve the learning of students" (Guskey, 2000, p. 16).

    Gaff, Festa, and Gaff (1978) said:
    The term no longer refers merely to activities that update and upgrade knowledge of a subject matter; professional development now incorporates more direct attempts to improve instruction, plan continuous career development, fashion mutually beneficial relationships with the institution, and even foster aspects of personal development. (p. 8)

    Zepeda (2008) says in her book:
    Professional development leads to better instruction, and improve student learning when it connects to the curriculum materials that teachers use, the district and academic standards that guide their work, and the assessment and accountability measures that evaluate their success. (p. 15)


    Gaff, S., Festa, C., & Gaff, J. (1978). Professional development: A guide to resources. USA: Change Magazine Press.

    Guskey, T. (2000). Evaluating professional development. USA: Corwin Press.

    Zepeda, S. (2008). Professional development: what works. USA: Eye on Education, Inc.

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  11. According to Guskey (2000), “Professional development is defined as those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes of educators so that they might, in turn improve the learning of students” (p.16).

    Accordinf to Dìaz (2004), “Effective professional development should be understood as a job-embedded commitment that teachers make in order to further the purpose of the profession while addressing their own particular needs” (p.5).

    The term professional development means a comprehensive, sustained, and intensive approach to improving teachers’ and principals’ effectiveness in raising student achievement("Definition of Professional Development", 2001).


    Guskey, T. (2000). Evaluating Professional Development. Thousand Oaks, California, USA: Corwin Press, Inc.

    Díaz, G. (2004). Teacher-centered professional
    development. Alexandria, USA: Association
    for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

    Definition of Professional Development(2001). Retrived from

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  14. According to Jasper (2006), “Professional development means to advance ourselves as professional practitioners. It assumes that all professionals will continue to develop throughout their working lives” (p. 2).

    According to Lindstrom (2004), “Professional development is an ongoing sustainable process that builds collaboration, generates and shares professional knowledge, uses current research, and informs the daily work of teachers and leaders” (p. 10).

    According to Zuber-Skerritt (1997), “The role of professional development must be to identify the skills and competencies of academics which are required to help students develop their skills needed in the future, and then to design appropriate strategies and methods to develop those skills” (p .210).


    Jasper, M., (2007). Professional development, reflection and decision-making. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.

    Lindstrom, P., (2004). The Principal as professional development leader. United States: Crowin Press.

    Zuber-Skerritt, O., 1994). Professional development in higher education: a theoretical framework for action research. Great Britain: Kogan Page Limited.

  15. Richards and Farrell(2005)stated that:
    Development generally refers to general growth not focused on a specific job.It serves a longer-term goal and seeks to facilitate growth of teachers' understanding of teaching an of themeslves as teachers. It often involves examining different dimensions of a teacher's practice as a basis for refkective review and can hence be seen as bottom-up. (p.4)

    Paquay, Altet, Charlier and Perrenoud(2005)say that:
    Esta serie nos permite apenas precisar que el profesionalismo de un maestro se caracteriza, indiscutiblemente, por el dominio de conocimientos profesionales diversos (los conocimientos que se enseñan los criterios utilizados en el análisis de situaciones, los conociemientos relativos a métodos de enseñanza, etc. ), pero también por los esquemas de percepción, análisis, decisión, planificación y evaluación...que permiten al maestro combinar su conocimientos en una situación determinada. (p. 13).

    "Within the framework of teaching as profession, teacher preparation aims at the development of a certain level of competency for all individuals, while underscoring the imprtance of of individualized professional growth throughout the teaching carrer" (Richards & Nunan, 1990, p. 134)


    Richards, J.C., & Farrell, T.S.C. (2005). Professional development for language teachers: Strategies for teacher learning. NY: Cambridge Language Education.

    Paquay, L.,Altet, M., Charlier, E. & Perrenoud, P. (2005). La formación profesional del maestro: Estrategias y competencias. Mexico D.F: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

    Richards, J.C., Nunan, D. (1990). Second language teacher education. New York: Cambridge University Press.

  16. Cites:

    Calhoun & Joyce (2010), created their own definition of professional development: "We imposed a definition of professional development as formal provisions by organizations of ways of helping teacher and administrators develop a better workplace and enhance their knowledge and competence in their assigned roles" (p. 10) .

    Guskey (2000), has defined professional development as follows: "Professional development is defined as those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills and attitudes of educators, so that they might, in turn, improve the learning of students" (p. 16) .

    According to Teitel (2003), "Professional Development promotes learning by improving schools, preparing new teachers in better ways, supporting the growth and development of all educators, and using inquiry and research to see what is working well and what is not" (p. xvii) .


    Calhoun, E., & Joyce, B. (2010). Models of professional development a celebration for educators. Thousand Oaks, California, USA: Corwin Press, Inc.

    Guskey, T. (2000). Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks, California, USA: Corwin Press, Inc.

    Teitel, L. (2003). The professional development schools handbook. Thousand Oaks, California, USA: Corwin Press, Inc.

  17. “A process by which a professional person maintains the quality and relevance of professional services throughout his/her working life” (Alsop, 2000, p.2) .

    “The systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skill, and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of professional and technical duties throughout the practitioner´s working life” (Lorriman, 1997, p.2) .

    “In a fully developed program of professional training, the foundational dimensions, the general theory, the specialized technology, the specialized instrumentation and research methodology are provided through a variety of instructional means: courses, lectures, readings, laboratory work, clinical experience, and internship” (Blackington III & Patterson, 1968, p.191) .


    Alsop, A. (2000). Continuing professional development: A guide for therapists. Oxford, UK: Blackswell Science.

    Blackington III F., & Patterson R. S. (1968). School, society and the professional educator. New York, USA: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc.

    Lorriman, J. (1997). Continuing professional development: A practical approach. London, UK: The Institution of Electrical Engineers.

  18. “Professional development emerges from a process of reshaping teachers' existing knowledge, beliefs, and practices rather than simply imposing new theories, methods, or materials on teachers” (Johnson & Golombek, 2002) .

    According to Guskey (2002), “Professional development is a purposeful and intentional process” (p. 17) .

    Guskey (2000) defined the concept as following:
    Professional development is defined as those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills and attitudes of educators so that they might, in turn, improve the learning of students. In some cases, it also involves learning how to redesign educational structures and cultures. (p. 16)

    Guskey, T. R. (2000) . Evaluating Professional development. USA: Carwin Press Inc.

    Johnson, K. E., & Golombeck, P. R. (2002) . Teachers' narrative inquiry as professional development. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

    Here are my cites, I think the inch will not appear in the post :(.

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  20. First of all I have to say that it wasn´t easy, it took me hours!! but finally here it is. By the way THANK YOU TONO! I LOVE YOU MY DEAR FRIEND. :D

    Fernández (2002) says that “el desarrollo profesional es el proceso por el que las personas progresan a través de una serie de etapas caracterizadas por distintas tareas de desarrollo, actividades y relaciones” (p. 67).

    According to Imbernán (1999), professional development “se define como la revisión y el perfeccionamiento de los procesos que mejoran la situación laboral, el conocimiento profesional, las habilidades y las actitudes” (p. 61).

    Villa and Yañez define it as the “proceso de formación continua a lo largo de toda la vida profesional que produce un cambio y mejora de las conductas docentes, en la forma de pensar, valorar y actuar sobre la enseñanza” (as cited in De Miguel et al., 1996, p. 19).


    De Miguel Díaz, M. et al. (1996). El desarrollo profesional docente y las resistencias a la Innovación Educativa. Oviedo: Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad de Oviedo.

    Fernández, L. N. (2002). El desarrollo profesional de los trabajadores como ventaja competitiva de las empresas. Cuadernos de gestión, Vol.2, 65-92. Retrieved January 25,2011, from Dialnet database.

    Imbernán, M.F. (1999). El desarrollo profesional del profesorado de primaria. Revista de educación, N° 1, 59-68. Retrieved January 25,2011, from Dialnet database.

    Villa, S.A.; Yáñiz, E.C. (1999) Aprendizaje organizativo y desarrollo profesional. Revista de curriculum y formación de profesorado, Vol.3, 45-68. Retrieved January 25,2011, from Dialnet database.

  21. "Professional development means that professionals as adults, already have a range of experiences on which to draw and build. Further learning can take place in all sorts of situations and from many different kinds of experiences, both in formal education or through informal interactions" (Alsop, 2000, p. 75).

    "Professional development is a deliberate process, guided by a clear vision of purposes and planned goals" (Guskey, 2000, p. 17).

    "Professional development is a lifelong, collaborate learning process that nourishes the growth of individuals, teams, and the school through a daily, job embedded, learner-centered, focused approach" (Lindstrom, 2004, p. 10).


    Alsop, Auldeen (2000). Continuing Professional Development. Oxford, UK: Blackswell Science.

    Guskey, T. (2000). Evaluating Professional Development (1st ed.). USA: Corwin Press Inc.

    Lindstrom, P. (2004). The Principal as Professional Development Leader (1st ed.). USA: Corwin Press Inc.

  22. Lawn & Ozga (2004) stated that:
    La proletarización del trabajo implica una serie de aspectos diferentes. El principal de ellos es, evidentemente la pérdida de habilidad u oficio o de conocimiento tradicional. Se trata de un proceso continuo que puede experimentar cambios repentinos y movimientos bruscos, dependiendo del cambio tecnológico y de sus aplicaciones, de la naturaleza del proceso de producción y de la ideología e historia de la fuerza laboral. (p. 33)

    Müller´s (2008) study states that:
    Al considerar la extrema complejidad del mundo contemporáneo, los vertiginosos cambios históricos y socioculturales que, a su vez, modifican los escenarios de todas las instituciones e impactan en las subjetividades, la formación continua que se demanda a docentes y a otros profesionales del sistema educativo requiere nuevos paradigmas y nuevos aportes teóricos para sostener y desarrollar las funciones de enseñar, seguir aprendiendo, orientar y acompañar tutorialmente. (p. 57)
    Richards´s (1998) study found the following:
    Reflection and inquiry are key components of teacher development. The skills of self-inquiry and critical thinking are seen as central for continued professional growth, and can help teachers more beyond a level where they are guided largely by impulse, intuition or routine. (p. 21)


    Lawn, M., & Ozga, J. (2004). La nueva formación del docente: Identidad, profesionalismo y trabajo en la enseñanza. Barcelona: Ed. Pomares, S.A.

    Müller, M. (2008). Formación docente y psicopedagógica. Buenos Aires: Ed. Bonum

    Richards, J. (1998). Beyond training. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

  23. "Professional development can be defined as a career long process in which educators fine-tune their teaching to meet student’s needs. As such tackles teachers teaching styles-the patterns of decisions teachers make when mediating their student's learning" (Díaz, 2004, p. 5).

    “Professional development means to advance ourselves as professionals practitioners. It assumes that all professionals will continue to develop through their working lives-from becoming a student practitioner, to specialized and advanced practice" (Jasper, 2006, p. 2).

    "Effective professional development is learning at the site from the work teachers do. Make importantly, however effective professional development occurs in the company of others who support, encourage, and learn along in partnership" (Zepeda, 2008, p. 2).


    Diaz-Maggioli, G. (2004). Teacher-Centered Professional Development. United States of America: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

    Jasper, M. (2006). Professional Development, Reflection and Decision-Making. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.

    Zepeda, S. (2008). Professional Development: What Works. New York: Eye on Education.

  24. Imbernón (2004),
    La UNESCO... definía la formación permanente del profesorado como un proceso dirigido a la revisión y renovación de conocimientos, actitudes y habilidades previamente adquiridas, determinando por la necesidad de actualizar los conocimientos como consecuencia de los cambios y avances de la tecnología y de las ciencias. (p.7)

    Imbernón (1994),
    En el ámbito de la formación permanente dirigida a la población docente (La formación permanente psicopedagógica), los términos más utilizados son educación permanente, formación permanente, formación continua profesional, formación en ejercicio, formación técnico–profesional, perfeccionamiento del profesorado, reciclaje y, en momentos de cambios profundos en los sistemas educativos, algunos países utilizan el término reconversión. (p.12)

    “Effective professional development should be understood as a job-embedded commitment that teachers make in order to further the purposes of the profession while addressing their own particular needs” (Díaz-Maggioli, 2004, p.5).

    Imbernón, F. (2004). La formación y el desarrollo profesional del profesorado: Hacia una nueva cultura profesional (6th ed.). Barcelona: Graó.
    Imbernón, F. (1994). La formación del profesorado. Barcelona: Paidós.
    Díaz-Maggioli, G. (2004). Teacher-centered professional development. USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

  25. "Professional development means to advance ourselves as professional practitioners. It assumes that all professionals will continue to develop throughout their working lives" (Benner, 1984, p. 2).

    "Professional development should be understood as a job-embedded commitment that teachers make in order to further the purposes of the profession while addressing their own particular needs" (Díaz, 1963, p. 5).

    "Professional development is the skills and knowledge an employee gains to optimize her personal development and job growth" ("What is professional development?" 2010).


    Díaz, G. (2004). Teacher-centered professional development. Alexandria, USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

    Jasper, M. (2007). Professional development, reflection and decision-making. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Inc.

    What is professional development? (2010). Retrieved from

  26. "Professional development is the process of developing and then maintaining competence; a set of recognized skills needed to reliably perform the occupation of your choice" (Willens, 2008, p. 3).

    "Professional development is what you do when you learn and covers every aspect of learning throughout your career. It’s what keeps you current and at the leading edge of your profession" (Lindstorm, 2004, p. 67).

    "Professional development begins in each person's willingness to achieve goals and acceptance of responsibility that entails" (Teitel, 2003, p. 11).


    Willens, M. (2008). Professional development strategies. Usa: Peytral publications inc.

    Lindstorm, H. (2004). The Principal as Professional Development Leader: Building Capacity for Improving Student Achievement. Usa: Corwin press.

    Teitel, L. (2003). The Professional Development Schools Handbook, Starting Sustaining, and Assessing Partnerships That Improve Student Learning. Usa: Corwin press.

  27. Díaz’s (2004) view about professional development is the following:
    Effective professional development is defined as a job-embedded commitment that teachers make in order to further the purpose of the profession while addressing their own particular needs. It should follow the principles that guide the learning practices of experienced adults, in teaching communities that foster cooperation and shared expertise. (p. 5)

    According to Guskey (2000), "Professional development is understood as those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes of educators so that they might, in turn, improve the learning of students" (p. 16).

    According to Gaff (1978), “Professional Development is the knowledge an employee gains to optimize their personal development and job growth. Professional development attempts to improve instruction, plan continuous career development, fashion mutually beneficial relationships with the institution, and even foster aspects of personal development” (p. 1978).

    References List

    Díaz, G. (2004). Teacher-centered professional
    development. Alexandria, USA: Association
    for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
    Guskey, T. (2000). Evaluating professional development. USA: Corwin Press.
    Gaff, S. Festa. C., & Gaff, J. (1978). Professional development: A guide to resources. USA: Change Magazine Press.

  28. "Professional development is the critical factor in promoting systemic change for practicing teachers, supervisors, administrators, and ultimately the students" (Bowers & Rhoton, 2001, p. 124).

    "Professional development is a function of teachers as communities of learners and not as learners in isolation" (Cuban & Woodward, 2000, p. 237).

    "Professional Development: Activities in which educators engage to expand their knowledge, skills, and general competence or contribute to the profession" (Culyer III & Elbert II, 2007, p. 22).

    "Professional development is a purposeful and intentional process designed to enhance the professional knowledge and skills of educators so that they might, on turn, improve the learning of all students" (Guskey, 1999, p. 121).

    "Professional development is an educational process that provides participants with successful learning experiences" (Guskey, 1999, p. 122).

    "Professional development is defined as a collaborative learning process that nourishes adult-learner-centered growth in the context of job-embedded work that results in improved student learning" (Lindstrom & Speck, 2004, p. 27).


    Bowers, P., & Rhoton, J. (2001). Professional development: Planning and design. USA: Natl
    Science Teachers Assn.

    Cuban, L., & Woodward, J. (2000). Technology, curriculum, and professional development:
    Adapting schools to meet the needs of students with disabilities (1st ed.). USA: Corwin Press.

    Culyer III, R., & Elbert II, E. (2007). School: An introduction to education (1st ed.). USA:
    Wadsworth Publishing.

    Guskey, T. (1999). Evaluating professional development (1st ed.). USA: Corwin Press.

    Lindstrom, P., & Speck, M. (2004). The principal as professional development leader (1st ed.).
    USA: Corwin Press.

  29. After two days of trying to post the homework; finally, I could do it. Judith. PS: I used Alex's account =)

    “…awareness of their own strengths and skills of others, willingness to listen carefully to others, ability to respond to the needs of their own teaching situation, confidence in their capacity to empower themselves” (Edge, 1992, p. 1).

    “Professional development is the process of improving staff skills and competencies needed to produce outstanding educational results for students” (Hassel, 1999, p. 1).

    “…language teachers are expected to keep up to date with developments in the field, to regularly review and evaluate their teaching skill, and to take on new teaching assignments according to the changing needs of the institution” (Richards & Farrel, 2005, p. ix).


    Edge, J. (1992). Cooperative development, professional self-development through cooperation with colleagues. London: Longman Group UK.

    Hassel, E. (1999). Professional development: Learning from the best. Retrieved from

    Richards, J. C., & Farrel, T. S. C. (2005). Professional development for language teaching, strategies for teaching learning. New York: Cambridge University.

  30. “…awareness of their own strengths and skills of others, willingness to listen carefully to others, ability to respond to the needs of their own teaching situation, confidence in their capacity to empower themselves” (Edge, 1992, p. 1).

  31. “Professional development is the process of improving staff skills and competencies needed to produce outstanding educational results for students” (Hassel, 1999, p. 1).

  32. “…language teachers are expected to keep up to date with developments in the field, to regularly review and evaluate their teaching skill, and to take on new teaching assignments according to the changing needs of the institution” (Richards & Farrel, 2005, p. ix).

  33. References:

    Edge, J. (1992). Cooperative development, professional self-development through cooperation with colleagues. London: Longman Group UK.

  34. Richards, J. C., & Farrel, T. S. C. (2005). Professional development for language teaching, strategies for teaching learning. New York: Cambridge University.

  35. "...professional development is an inclusive, highly collaborative adventure in which a variety of site-based and central office personnel provides the leadership, imagination, and mechanisms to help school personnel grow" (Zepeda, 2008, p.2).

    "Professional development can be defined as a career-long process in which educators fine-tune their teaching to meet student needs" (Díaz, 2004, p.5).

    "...professional development is defined as those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes of educators so that they might, in turn, improve the learning of students" (Guskey, 2000, p.16).


    Díaz-Maggioli, G. (2004). Teacher-centered professional development. United States of America: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

    Guskey, T. R. (2000). Evaluating professional development. United States of America: Corwin Press Inc.

    Zepeda, S. (2008). Professional development: What works. New York, NY: Eye on Education, Inc.

