Monday, May 30, 2011

Evaluating our DPD Experience

Hi everyone! 

First of all, let us be congratulated on the event we planned to finish our course. It was definitely a self-growth experience and we all took something from it to make us reflect on our profession and our professional identity.

You all contributed to make it a successful event, on way or another. Teamwork was definitely a plus in this event.

Well done, everybody!

Now it is time to evaluate the course. I am going to ask you to please leave your comments on how to make of this course a better experience for future semesters.

 Please evaluate the following aspects: content of the course,  the use of the blog as part of an outside and in-class activity;  and our motto on professional attitudes and professional actions. Leave your comments and suggestions on what you saw as a success and that which you think could be improved.
Thanks and see you in class on Wednesday, June 1st, 10 am, Posgrado!


  1. I think the content of the course was really interesting, the topics seen were about things that are really concerned to us. The experience using the blog was great, I mean it was a new experience and it helped us to know this tool for later application in our groups, it was a different and atractive activity.I liked the way we took the course, it was more practical than theoretical, I think. So, in my opinion, maybe you could keep working at the place you want to be.
    I´d like to add to say thank you for all!

    Berenisse Guzmán Suárez

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Finally here we are =)

    About the content I can say that the topics were very useful for us, they contained all the aspects we have to consider to develop our professional attitude and they were seen in the right moment of the process.
    About the use of the blog as an altenative activity for the classes I really liked it but it was a shame that we couldn't use it a lot.
    I liked the most, in this class, to take the role as teacher since the beginning of the course because it was a formal way to see each other in our role as well in the present as in the future. And I think, all of us have had a big growth in the professional role because we noticed the things we can do, not just as teachers but as researchers and panelists.
    Finally, I just wanna say that I would have liked to reflect about my practices in the Language Department because of the issues we had, we couldn't do it.

    Teacher I want to thank you because all the activities were really great. They had a purpose, obviously, but I mean at the end they really left something positive on us and we learned a lot.

    Thanks all of you for doing this true!
    I love you ... =)

  4. What I learned from this experience was really interesting for instance; the radical change of be students and now we are transformed to be professionals on what we are doing, I´m sure that all of us have acquired some methods, techniques and tools to make our classes more meaningful.

    On the other hand I would like to mention that the conference with M. Martha Lengeling and her experiences help me to understand that nothing could be an obstacle to follow with my professional education and training.

  5. Teacher In my first account My name was Cynthia....But I had to create a new account because I had some problems with the account so now my name appears as Yaneli

  6. The content of the course was catchy and interesting, really interesting, I mean this one was a class full of information that is useful, and interesting to us, future teachers, these ones, will help us to improve and be better in the future, this information was full of knowledge and experience and all that.

    The use of the blog was a completely new experience. I mean in these 5 years of preparation our teachers have never used this kind of tools till this semester. I liked the use of this tool and certainly will apply the idea for future classes, now as teacher instead student.

    I think that it could be a good idea to still using the blog but also to use it a little bit more like a tool to clarify questions and leave comments (like facebook but in a professional way), as well as look for other tools that could help in future classes.

    I loved the event that we prepared for the last class, certainly preparing these kind of stuffs is hard and now I understand you and Teacher Andres, when you are busy. I think that this last activity join us more like a team-family, it was fun, meaningful, and memorable. I hope you and other teachers would continue the tradition, and I am proud of being one of the precursors of this activity.

    I really loved this class, it was not the average class, where the teacher is the one in front, read the content and deliver exams. Here we were able to share opinions, experiences, and being treated as equals. This was one of those classes where the time flies, and we didn’t realized about the time till it was 5 minutes to go. Certainly Wednesday was my favorite Weekday because it was my DPD-Day.

    Please continue doing these kinds of things in future semesters, we really loved them; I would like to see a future event or even participate in one as ex-student. I will always remember this semester, and have you and all my classmates in my heart, Thank you.

    In my personal opinion, a teacher is well prepared, sometimes thinks that he/she knows everything, latter he/she realizes of the need to know more, so he/she looks for more preparation, then he/she become a good teacher through experience, latter he/she realizes that it is not possible to know everything in a 100% and looks for more, he/she knows that something is missing, then when he/she finds it, that thing that was looking for in the students that he/she is giving classes, then and only then he/she will become an Excellent Teacher.

    An Excellent Teacher forms Excellent Professionals, sometimes even more than Professional.

    Francisco Flores

  7. What I learned and loved from this course was the way you make us to undestand what "professional" is, any other Teacher has forced us as you did it; running for arriving at time and preparing those events. I understood how a professional should be, and I think we are more aware about it.

    about the use of this blog, it is new for us and a good idea, but a problem for some of us is that sometimes it does not work well in certain accounts.

    Finally, thank you Teacher, I really learned a lot.

  8. Hi everybody!

    I want to start saying that I am thankful for having the opportunity to share so many experiences with you in this subject.

    About the content, I think it was meaningful and I learned so much. I would have liked to have class every Wednesday but we couldn't do it because of different situations. That caused us to have not the enough time to talk about our experiences in teaching.

    The use of the blog was an excelent tool but not useful por specific tasks as we all realized, for example, the quotations. Still I think it can be improved in the next semesters :) It is a very good mean of communication.

    The progress of improving our professional attitudes and professional actions was a goal that I think we achieved with our event which I just loved. I personally learned to have no excuses and be on time with my responsibilities. I will never forget to think about the whats and not the hows.

    Finally, I really hope we can continue participating in future events related to professional actions!!!

    Thank you so much Teacher Bulnes!

    May God bless and keep you always!

  9. Sooo good, so far! I want to read more comments. Come on!!! *wink*

  10. Hi!
    I’m really glad of being finally here at the end of this journey and to have the opportunity to share my point of view about my DPD experience.
    About the content: I really enjoy it! Every single Wednesday I was excited about coming to class and see what the teacher had prepared for us, because it was not the typical class in which the theory is established, we read and maybe just discuss about it, but it was the kind of class that made us woke up early each Wednesday and make not just what we must do, but an extra. The teacher’s management about the topics and the class was just the golden key that opened us the door to a successful professional development. It was amazing that even in the most minimum details she was proving ourselves because she knew we could do more than what we thought we could. Each image, song, video, movie, and reading were just perfect to made us feel more interested and motivated to the class and also to teach us due to each of it had an specific and meaningful purpose in the way of shaping our professional identity.
    About the blog: It was an interesting way of doing homework! I liked it because we spend many hours in front of the computer everyday, sometimes doing nothing useful by the way jaja, and it was cool to have this space on the web with an academic purpose and that will remain there to come back later, but as Mony mentioned I think that the activities planned for the blog must be very specific and possible of doing there because there are many thing cannot be done in it.
    Finally the DPD Colloquium gave me an experience I’ll never forget, as a team, as a group, as a family, as a personal and professional growth it was all a success.
    I really loved this class and I must confess that it was the only class in my whole academic life that I wasn’t absent in any time ;)

    Thank all of you I have learned more than ever =)

  11. This day has finally arrived, the course has finished and we close a cycle in our lives.

    At first my expectations were uncertain about course, I was sure it would be hard work to be professional. But now I realize that everything is a matter of having a professional attitude for being professional people.

    When I heard about "Dra. Bulnes" really scared me this class, but what surprises gives life, now I can say, it was all a rumor, and thanks to you I met the commitment and responsibility of being the best in everything I do because there is no time or opportunity to repeat it, so every moment has to be perfect.

    This course made me realize that I must be professional always and there are no excuses not to be.

    The blog was a tool to communicate using technology, I would have liked to use it more, i love the two events and I really want to participated in a real one =D !!

    Thank you teacher for touching my life, for touching my heart.

  12. I cannot believe that this beautiful “journey “as Paty said has come to an end. It was an excellent and extraordinary class with something different since the beginning. From the time when we started you made us feel as professionals giving us the opportunity to discuss some parameters of the course such as the entry time. I have to say that I didn´t know what to expect at the beginning of this interesting course; I had no idea about all the meaningful activities that we were going to do because I was blind due to my hilarious fear of taking classes with Dra. Bulnes. I really enjoyed this class so much because as I said before, it was an extraordinary and very vanguard course using the blog as a new way to do the homework, share opinions and to keep students always in touch.
    You made us to give the best of us in each task, no matter how simple or complicated it was, always motivating us to behave and develop our professionalism. It was an honor to have you as a teacher. Thank you for everything!! Blessings!

  13. Content of the course
    I think all the content was very useful, I learned a lot, from my classmates' experiences and obviously from yours. The content was enough and very clear I think we didn't see something we did not need, I feel good with the things I learned but I want to learn more.

    The use of the blog as part of an outside and in-class activity.
    Well I think it is a very good way of communication, but it is something I do not use everyday, and it was kind of difficult for me to use, in my opinion to use another tool could be a little bit better.

    Our motto on professional attitudes and professional actions.
    Definitly one of the best things in class, something that has been in my head every single day (seriously) is the word Professional, I have to learn a lot in this area, need to work on that and actually I am, it was just the essence of the course.

    Thank you very much...

  14. This is Jackie's post, because she couldn't do it, because of some problems with the blog...

    Hello everyone!
    This subject over passed my expectations. During this semester I had experienced lot of situations that reinforce my identity as a teacher. The class of DPD was the one that gave me the chance to learn and act as a professional one. Most of the time as a students we don't have the opportunity to see the next step after study, and when we graduate, we have problems with what attitudes we most have to be professionals.

    The main point here is that I learned a lot, I could say that this subject changes my mind of UANL, I was disappointed but now I am another person.

    Teacher Lupita I am so grateful for everything, the way you manage the group and control discipline and achieve the purpose of the program, were excellent. Since the first day that we set the schedule, I thought this subject will be different. I think this aspect marked the beginning of our new stage. Being responsible of what we are doing, no matter what, it is just our responsibility.

    The use of BLOG was the new one way to do homework. I really enjoy this strategy because it is a great resource to share opinions, homework, ideas, etc. It is like a new window to see the new world, which we will face.

    We share lot of experiences and thoughts about the content, so this activity let us to live the content and learn about everyone. This is the most wonderful thing because I consider this aspect as a very professional way to do our best. Everyone was participating, trying to go deeper about what we were talking. I think we did it. The result was the colloquium, we prepared, discussed, took decisions, everything as a big team. It was a great activity that put together all the different skills we have developed.

    Thank you teacher for this opportunity to learn about our selves and prove what we can do.
    Thank all of you classmates-friends that gave me the chance to know and learn too much of you. I really love you, YOU TOUCHED ME. 

  15. I think all the content was quite useful and interesting. it would be great that for the next event there were more topics to talk about.
    As for the blog use, I think it is a powerful tool though in this course was underused so I think that using it more for later activities is the right path to take.

  16. Hi everyone!!! =) I just want to say that I´m really grateful because we had the opportunity of sharing unforgettable moments with you teacher!!! You will be always part of ourselves..

    Talking about the content, I honestly say that I liked it a lot because it was really interesting each part of the class, and we applied all the content we learned in the course.

    The use of the blog was also very important because I learned how to use it and it is a great way to interact with students, we can also use this source as well, at least I know how to post a comment.

    I wouldn´t change anything with the course, everything was suitable for all of us, and what I can say about our motto is that I´ll always consider these two words as long as I stand in front of a class.. "professional identity"

  17. Hi everybody!

    First of all, I want to say that this semester for me was very hard beacuse of different situations and I can say that I learned a lot from this class since the fisrt day, I remember I came late to the first sesion and I can't forget teacher's face and I said, Oh God! this won't happen again I have to be on time and I was on time for every class, and I have funny experiences about this beacuse many times I ran to be there in Posgrado and once I was late like 5 or 10 minutes, and I arrived there and there were not classes.
    This class helped me in many ways, I can say in my personal life, beacuse I faced a difficult situation in which I almost gave up, I felt that I couldn't do it anymore, that everything was lost and then I remembered this attitute that teacher showed in class, that for me was: give everything no matter what, there are no excuses, If you want that so much you will do it, and it helped me a lot and I said it was true and it was my motivation to continue and face this situation.
    I learned a lot from the event we had, I remember every little thing each one did in order this was perfect, I admire all my classmates and teachers for thier effort and I learned from this that you must believe you can do it, sometimes we feel like we are not able or that we won't be able to do it but if you don't try nothing will happen. Thank you so much to Dr. Lupita Bulnes for her dedication in this class, for her big effort, I won't forget what I learned fromm this class and from this amazing teacher.

  18. Hi my dearest friends!!
    I'm glad to be here, to have done and learned many things that contributed to my professional development. This last post represents the last homework but also the beginning of a professional career. First about the content of the class I really loved it, the article and the presentation of Martha Lengeling, the video of another brick in the wall, the freedom writers movie, all that was very meaningful for me because it made me think in other aspects of teaching as identity, professional development, commitment, and the way in which teaching has changed during the last years.

    About the blog I must say it was my first experience with this kind of tool, and it was really positive, I did not know we could use a blog as tool for teaching. I recommend continuing with this blog for the next semester, a suggestion will be to open a blog not a google account because in my case it was easier to post with my blog account ;).

    About the professional attitudes and actions, the "teachers' professional identity colloquium" helped us to improve our team work, besides it encouraged us to believe more in our capacities as organizers and speakers. One important aspect of professional attitudes was to arrive on time, and to do the things correctly without exceptions.

    This class really polished us up as students, teachers and persons, thank you for everything you did for us in this course.

    Forever I'll be proud of saying: yes, I was a student of Dr. Bulnes...

  19. I forgot some aspects, I liked a lot the content of the course beacuse we can apply it to real life, to our classes and I liked a lot every activity we made beacuse I think each one was meaningful, I loved the movie we watched, the colloquium and I like the blog, I think it is a useful way to express what we think about class, activities, teacher, classmates etc...I think the motto is the one I said before: Give everything no matter what, there are no excuses, If you want that so much you will do it.

  20. This is Jessy's post, she couldn't use the blog because of some problems with it and her account.

    Jessica Lopez said...

    I want to say that this class was very helpful for me, here I learned the meaning of being punctual and also I learned to do things that I never imaging I could do.
    The activity that I enjoyed the most was all that we do for create our first colloquium, for me, this activity was significant because it help me to grow as person, profesional and student.
    Another thing that I want to share is the experience with this blog. This class was the first where I used this tool, and the experience was significant and helpful, as everything we did here.
    I just want to finish this saying that I really apreciate all the activities we did because all of them help me to be better.

  21. Walking on this teacher training path was a complete and regarding experience that exceeded some initial expectations: I must emphasize the course content, because its accurate development provided acceptance to define a coherent and transcendental way to express and give special attention to personal and professional matters.

    Being a blogger is one more role that a teacher must experience. The blog was the first class communication tool that I enjoyed as user/student. I did not get any trouble when opening my account or at homework entries, but some friends did. It was a fast and easy way for Dra. Bulnes to evaluate and monitor student´s efforts, with the advantage of not getting full of paper documents", having the records available for all classmates to come back and get support for any other activity.

    After finishing my walk and admire the natural things which a teaching landscape offer us, I have decided not to come back home with empty hands. This certainty, encourage me to apply every secret gathered this semester that my backpack contains such as: all the valuable experiences, personal growth, professional identity, prudence, perfectible use of, killing suits, watches on time, objectivity, constant self-evaluation and reflection.

    Really appreciate the movements you did in this final chess game, which has discovered our inner competences to go and face every game with the best winning strategy!
    Beyda Marlen Arias Ibarra

  22. hello My dear FRIENDS.
    Well, first of all I want say that i really appreciate you all for making me part of your unique friendship circle. we have arrived to an stage in our lives where everything is gonna be different, finally our dream came true, we´re gonna be teachers,advisers,psycologists, all in 1. But the only thing we know nowadays is that as professional people we must give everyday our 200% as we learned in this matter. I´m really glad and proud to have been part of this EXCELLENT generation, all the beautiful memories will stay in my heart forever.

    the course to me was amazing, the content was one of the most important facts because through the content I could reflect on how important is the proffesionalism when someone becomes a teacher. Also I really enjoyed the class since the very beggining...MMM well not since the very beggining because I have to accept it "I was afraid of the teacher" she looked like extremely demanding but then i realized that she is one of the best teachers,well for me the best of all; she's really an expert on what she teaches,she's really really wise that's why every wednesday I woke up with an extra motivation because i knew that the content was gonna be interesting and I wasn't going to go out of there without a new and interesting concept in my mind.
    The use of the blog as educational resource was a great idea because I could interact inside and outside the classroom which is good and I think that we had to be aware of it , because new information was gonna be uploaded, that is the sense of responsability we had to improve for being professionals, another point was the punctuality.

    Our motto on professional attitudes and professional actions: I always knew that if someone is professional in all aspects, that person can get the success even faster than the others.

    finally i would like to conclude saying that nothing is enough we have to find out everyday the excellence, being Professionals every moment, giving our best, and with the feet on the ground.

    Dr. lupita Rogriguez Bulnes. Thank you for being a model to follow

  23. Hi!
    First of all I think this class really helped me because I learned to do my best no matter what, to be punctual I remember that one of the classes I was late and I saw Beyda and Antonio saying that it was late so the teacher wouldn't accept us in her class.
    About the contet: In my opinion these was meaningful for me because we made activities that made me think and grow as a professional teacher and it can be applied to the real life. The activity that I really like the most was The Colloqium because we could work as a team and every role given was meaningful in order this activity was succesful.
    Using the blog was I good Idea even though it was the first time that I was using it but I consider that is a good tool for expressing how we feel about the class and the activities Dr. Lupita Bulnes wanted us to make.
    Thank you for everything you did, I learned a lot.

  24. Hellooooooooooooooooooooo! :)

    First of all I'd like to say that this course was so enriching, I really enjoyed all the time we spent within it.

    Over the content I think it was chosen correctly by lovely Dr. Bulnes all the topics covered were useful and the fact of retreiving all the information of past courses and sticking it together in one was wonderful.
    I think you should perform for future courses a kind of role-play activity in which the Ss apply for a job as teachers, Dr. Bulnes you can be the interviewer or you can choose among your future Ss who will perform this role.

    According to the use of the blog it was good, I've never had used one before, I find it pretty much useful and I hope you might continue with it.

    About our motto "be professional/act professional" it was good, but honestly I feel it as a part of the group IT BELONGS TO US! So I suggest (if I may) that the motto shall be changing with each generation!

    I thank you all for everything, I'll miss you much! But one day we'll be all gathered here at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras as teachers and collegues. Filling the coming generation of teachers with love and knowledge as good as our teachers did with us!
    I love you! Spread love!
